Build Your Skills Toolbox

Examples of strategic planning and decision-making as an elected official include:

  • Listening to and considering a variety of perspectives in order to make decisions.
  • Ability to develop long-term plans.
  • Encouraging creativity of ideas.
  • Building trust and consensus; investing in relationships and understanding of core values.


Staff specialists are available to answer your questions about making decisions and doing strategic planning in your role as elected leader.

Roles and Authority

Research and Inquiry Service
(651) 281-1200
Submit a question online

Incorporating Strategic Planning Into Your Decision-Making

Luke Fischer, Executive Director
(651) 281-1279

Personnel Issues

Human Resources
(651) 281-1200


The League’s website features links to several important resources for elected officials that you can explore as needed.



As a League member, you have access to a wide range of educational and networking opportunities.  Find ones that work best for your schedule and learning style.  Learn about ways to build relationships with other elected officials for support and networking. 

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