National League of Cities (NLC) Events

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Grant Application Bootcamps

  • Training to Help Cities Under 150,000 Develop Strong Applications for Federal Infrastructure Grant Opportunities
  • Various offerings through 2024
  • Learn more about these bootcamps.

NLC City Summit

Other Events

Minnesota Local Roads Traffic Safety Regional Workshops

Rural Rental Housing Preservation Academy

Supervision and Performance Appraisal to Build Effective Teams

Managing Up and Across to Build Healthy Communication

Local Brownfield Redevelopment in Minnesota

Local Brownfield Redevelopment in Minnesota

Minnesota Community Grant Writing Workshop to Apply for Brownfield Assessment Grant Funding

Community Mapping Expo for Minnesota Non-Profits Hosted by LOGIS

Local Brownfield Redevelopment in Minnesota

Local Brownfield Redevelopment in Minnesota

Grant Writing Readiness: Build Your Team

September 2024 Developing Exceptional Customer Service Skills

October 2024 Supervision & Performance Appraisal to Build Effective Teams

24th Conference on the Small City and Regional Community

November 2024 Grant Writing Readiness: Build Your Team

Ethical Conflict Management & Communication Skills