
How to save a PDF

If you would like to save the page you’re viewing as a PDF document, here are the steps:

  1. Click icon with 3 stacked dots Setting button with vertical dots / Setting button with horizontal dots or Setting button with stacked lines lines to the right of the URL bar at the top of your browser
  2. Select the “Print” option
  3. A pop up window like this one should appear, ensure the Destination field is set to “Save as PDF” (this may be a dropdown or “Change” button)
  4. Click “Save,” then select the location and name for the file on your computer

Do you have what it takes to make your community even better? Do you like to solve problems, learn more about other people, embrace technology, and do something different every day? There are people who get to do these things and more in their careers working for Minnesota cities. Take the quiz to find out what your city superpower is!

Ready to learn more? See what real people have to say about their jobs working in local government by checking out the city career interviews page.

Another great way to get advice is to contact someone in your own city or a city nearby. You can ask questions about the job and learn more about training programs that may be available.