St. Paul to City Hall

May-June 2023

Public Service Is About Building and Maintaining Relationships

David Unmacht, executive director of the League of Minnesota Cities, considers his work with the League of Minnesota Cities.

Mar-Apr 2023

Reflections on Four Themes Over 40 Years of Public Service

David Unmacht, executive director of the League of Minnesota Cities, reflects on over 40 years of public service.

Jan-Feb 2023

Gary Carlson Cycles Into Retirement After Long Tenure With League

Gary Carlson has led the League’s advocacy work for over three decades and will retire from his service to the…

Nov-Dec 2022

Reflections From the Rotary Club

A message in four themes from David Unmacht. Relationships, trust, health and wellness, and time.

Sep-Oct 2022

Tom Grundhoefer’s Advice Guides League into Future

Tom Grundhoefer’s Advice Guides League into Future…