What Should Cities Know About Donations and Fundraisers?
LMC staff answer questions about fundraiser donations, LMC Insurance Trust, paid family medical leave.
What Should Cities Consider When Projecting Personnel Costs?
LMC staff answer questions about budgeting, public meetings, and employee safety.
What Should Cities Know About the State’s Lawns to Legumes Program?
LMC staff answer questions about city ordinances, employing minors, and public trash collection.
Why Should a City Have a Policy That Addresses Employee Medical Issues?
LMC staff answer questions about workers' compensation, data practices, and hiring practices.
What Is the Process for Rezoning?
LMC staff answer questions about rezoning, employment law changes, and publishing council meeting minutes.
Who Is Eligible to Fill Vacant Council Seats?
LMC staff answer questions about elected office qualifications, workplace training, and employment forms.
Can the City Give Gift Cards as a Thank You or Incentive?
LMC staff answer questions about gift giving, risk management, and employee compensation.
What Is the Process of Codifying City Ordinances?
LMC staff answer questions about city code, season-specific policies, and emergency preparedness.
Should Employment Applications Request Prior Salary History?
LMC staff answer questions about employee comp, public notices, and fire safety protocol.
Do We Need to Report Near Misses?
LMC staff answer questions about OSHA claims, interview panels, minors on committees, and more.