City of Rosemount Honored With 2023 LMC City of Excellence Award

June 23, 2023

The City of Rosemount presents its 2023 City of Excellence Award

(June 23, 2023 – St. Paul, MN)

The city of Rosemount received the League of Minnesota Cities 2023 City of Excellence Award for the 20,000 and over population category yesterday at the League’s Annual Conference in Duluth. Rosemount was honored for its “Comprehensive Officer Wellness Program.” 

 In response to the significant stressors police officers face and the implications the profession can have on officers’ health, job satisfaction, and longevity, Rosemount Police Department developed the Comprehensive Officer Wellness Program, which focuses on officers’ mental and physical health, and the resiliency of their family support network. 

 Through the program, officers are provided up to six confidential therapy sessions with the department’s professional mental health consultant per year, critical incident follow-up, and other onsite services. Additionally, the department offers a peer support counseling program, which allows selected and specially trained officers to confidentially help and support their peers when personal or professional matters may impact their work performance, families, or self. The department also developed a Family Academy, which allows family members of new officers to learn about the profession, signs and issues to watch for, and how to get help when needed. 

 The Comprehensive Officer Wellness Program supports officers’ physical health by offering heart analysis from Sigma Tactical Wellness to preempt any potential heart issues and by partnering with a local fitness facility to provide on-duty workout options. 

 The City of Excellence Awards are given each year by the League of Minnesota Cities in three population categories and one topical category. The awards recognize cities for outstanding programs or projects. Each winning city will receive a plaque, a check for $1,000, and recognition in League publications and promotional activities throughout the coming year. 

 The League of Minnesota Cities is a membership organization dedicated to helping cities throughout Minnesota build quality communities through effective advocacy, expert analysis, trusted guidance, and collective action. The League serves its 838 member cities through advocacy, education and training, policy development, risk management, and other services.