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Public health strategies can inform your organization’s suicide prevention work.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has developed a list of suicide prevention strategies to address suicide at the state and community level. You can learn more about these strategies and tactics for public health on the CDC’s website.

The CDC suicide prevention plan calls on communities to:

  • Strengthen economic supports
  • Strengthen access and delivery of suicide care
  • Create protective environments by reducing access to lethal means among persons at risk of suicide
  • Develop organizational policies and culture that promote connectedness and include peer norm programs
  • Offer community engagement activities
  • Teach coping and problem-solving skills
  • Provide social-emotional learning programs
  • Offer parenting skill and family relationship programs
  • Make available gatekeeper training and crisis intervention training
  • Provide treatment for people at risk of suicide
  • Deliver postvention
  • Integrate safe reporting and messaging about suicide

Your next step

Learn more about the CDC’s suicide prevention resources for communities and consider how these strategies can benefit your own department, organization, and community.

CDC suicide prevention


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