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  1. Click icon with 3 stacked dots Setting button with vertical dots / Setting button with horizontal dots or Setting button with stacked lines lines to the right of the URL bar at the top of your browser
  2. Select the “Print” option
  3. A pop up window like this one should appear, ensure the Destination field is set to “Save as PDF” (this may be a dropdown or “Change” button)
  4. Click “Save,” then select the location and name for the file on your computer

A white icon of two faces with conversation bubbles is embedded in a a light blue circle.Human beings were not designed to live life alone.

The feeling of being a part of something bigger than oneself goes a long way toward maintaining health and well-being. By its very nature public safety work can provide a sense of community and purpose. Continually reminding public safety members of the mission, values, and the honor of the work they do can help to reinforce these connections.

Community volunteering in civic life, sports, and organizations can also build a sense of purpose and well-being. Some of the benefits of being a part of a community are:

  • Increased dopamine and serotonin pathways in the brain, which contribute to wellness.
  • Healthy connections generating support and well-being.
  • The opportunity for new and helpful perspectives.

Links between social and emotional wellness

Several practices that will keep your social connections strong can also be effective tools for stress management and a healthy emotional state:

  • Reconnect, or maintain contact and connection with family and primary social supports.
  • Continue normal leisure activities. Stay involved with hobbies and interests.
  • Draw upon your spirituality and personal beliefs.

Your next step

Incorporating volunteerism as a way to earn credit in your existing wellness programs is one way to help strengthen community connection.