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A white icon of a human head with a gear symbol over the cranium and an energy symbol within the gear is embedded in a navy blue circle..

Some emotional distress following a traumatic event or critical incident is a normal reaction to an experience that is abnormal (at least for most people).

Typically, following a traumatic event, one would expect to experience a range of reactions, which could include anxiety, arousal caused by adrenaline, fatigue, irritability, hypervigilance, increased emotionality, problems sleeping, bad dreams, exaggerated startle response, change in appetite, feeling overwhelmed, impatience, and/or withdrawing from family and friends.

This does not indicate development of a mental health diagnosis/disorder. These symptoms are normal in every way, and suggest a need for early corrective action to limit the impact they may have.

Similarly, stress responses from day-to-day public safety work are common, and may also lead to symptoms that should be addressed early. Symptoms of ongoing stress that are ignored can become more chronic, ingrained reactions that may lead to potentially destructive and unhealthy coping habits, and more severe mental health symptoms.

View early intervention strategies

Red flags

Signs or indicators of a more potentially concerning response occur when physiological, emotional, cognitive and/or behavioral changes persist for longer than four weeks, cause unmanageable levels of distress (including depression, anxiety, or suicidal thoughts), or have a significant negative impact on important areas of functioning (i.e. work, school, family, relationships). It is important to watch for red flags of more serious problems such as:

  • Significant changes in family, work, or school patterns.
  • Persistent sadness.
  • Ongoing sleep disturbance.
  • Persistent and/or increasing irritability.
  • Ongoing increase in the use of alcohol or other addictive substances.

If months have passed since a particular critical incident or traumatic event and an individual is still experiencing significant distress, a more chronic or potentially serious stress reaction may be the reason.